Botanical Name: Homalium Foetidum
Local Name: Malas
Trade Name: Malas

The colour of sawn timber may be either brown, red/brown or orange brown. Sapwood is paler and not clearly defined from truewood. The grain is usually straight but occassionally deeply interlocked. It is virtually unfigured. Texture is fine and even. It is non lustrous and non siliceous. It has a distinct iodine like odour that is persistent.

Density: 790 kilograms per cubic metre at 12% moisture content.
Strength Group: (S2) unseasoned. (SD2) seasoned.
Stress Grade: Visually graded to AS2082-2000.
Structural grade 1 GOS F22
Structural grade 1 KD F34
Shrinkage to 12% MC: 2.6% Radial 4.9% Tangential.
Durability: Class 2/3. Suitable all external use.
Hardness: Hard. Rated 2 on scale 1 to 6
Machines: Well
Fixing: May require pre boring. Holds nails and screws well.
Glue: Glues well.
Finishing: Accepts stains, varnish and paints.
Checking: Larger sections (200/250mm) check in drying.

All external work. Wharf, bridges, sleepers, timber decking, cladding, truck bodies.