Botanical Name: Dracontomelon
Local Name: Walnut
Trade Name: Walnut

The prized heartwood of PNG Walnut is typically wavy grained with dark grey to black bands or fine streaks standing out from the paler coloured & lustrous background. The dark bands form irregular concentric circles in the log. The sapwood is pale yellow, up to 100mm wide & clearly defined from the heartwood. The grain may be straight or interlocked and is often wavey. It has a moderately coarse texture. It is non-siliceous and there is neither taste nor odour.

Density: 545 kiklograms per cubic metre at 12% moisture content
Strength Group: (S5) unseasoned. (SD5) seasoned.
Stress Grade: Visually graded to AS2082-2000.
Structural grade 1 GOS F11
Structural grade 1 KD F17
Shrinkage to 12% MC: 2.0% Radial 4.2% Tangential
Durability: Class 4. Internal use only.
Hardness: Firm - rated 4 on scale 1 to 6
Machines: Well
Fixing: Screws and nails well.
Glue: Bonds well.
Finishing: Polishes well. Capable of taking a very high finish.

Furniture, internal panelling, joinery, timber flooring.